Wednesday 19 August 2015

Tooth Pain - 3 Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies - Immediate Pain Relief

Those who have experienced a toothache know the agony it can cause. Besides the excruciating pain, it affects the appetite and sleep also. 
Why does a toothache occur? Well, this could be due to multiple factors such as a decaying tooth, gum infection or tooth nerve irritation. Whatever the reason, it needs to be dealt with immediately.

Simple ingredients found in the kitchen can offer quick relief for an aching tooth.

Take 2 tsp of freshly squeezed lime juice.
To this add a big pinch of asafetida powder, commonly known as hing.
Warm this very lightly.
With a small cotton ball, apply this over the infected tooth.

Powder two cloves.
Add this to a little oil, (you can use any vegetable oil) to get a semi thick consistency. 
Now apply this to the tooth with a cotton bud.
Alternatively, you can place the clove over the tooth and bite down hard on it.

Take a glass of warm water, and add to it about ½ tsp of salt. Gargle the mouth with this a couple of times a day. Not only does this bring down the swelling, it also eliminates bacteria affecting the tooth.

An extremely simple way of dealing with toothache is to mix ¼ tsp of salt with ¼ tsp of pepper, adding a little water to make it a paste, and applying it to the tooth for a few minutes and gargling it off.

When you feel a toothache coming on, immediately either put a small piece of onion on the tooth, or just chew on it for a few minutes.

Remember, oral hygiene plays a big part in your overall health, so do not ignore a toothache.

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